Saturday, February 11, 2012

Back At It

The holidays just about did me in.  

That is not a lament.  It is a praise.  They literally just about did me in.  I was so busy!  Between jewelry and Christmas ornament orders, craft shows, and time with family and friends, I barely had a moment to stop and think!

But now things are settling down into a routine finally where I am designing more and finally starting to build up my inventory again.  I am so blessed to have gained some wonderful customers over the holidays as well.

Most of the drama that had been clogging up my creative express has also resolved itself, thank the Lord!

I finally was able to place the order I've had with Fire Mountain for the last two years.  Finally placed it yesterday.  Now I have so much inspiration heading my way that I can scarce contain my excitement!

I hope to start posting photos of my work here, but that's going to have to come after I get updated and back to proper working order and get Spun Sugar's Facebook page updated completely.

I have so much to get done, but I am loving this time!!

Loving it!  God bless!

1 comment:

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Thank you for allowing a little of my life to touch yours! I always love reading your thoughts!!